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Looking For The Summer

Video of birthdays, baseball, frisbee, and other summery things.

Also Sprach

Video of drones, studio stuff, and general fall shenanigans.

Cal Ripken World Series Photos

Photos of the Cal Ripken Major/70 World Series in Branson, Missouri, USA. Aug 2 – 13, 2023.

Cal Ripken World Series (Tammie’s Photos)

Tammie’s Photos of the Cal Ripken Major/70 World Series in Branson, Missouri, USA. Aug 2 – 13, 2023.


Video of dogs, fallen birds, bikes, frisbees, drones, and The Mackies from June 2023.


Video of birthday parties, baseball, and soggy dogs.

Tin Pan Alley

Video of Halloween, hoodoos, baseball, and bird feeding.

Computer Liebe

Video of tig, bike rides, and Cal Ripken baseball.

Eminence Front

Video of baseball, road trips, and stampede fireworks.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in Calgary

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Calgary. Flickr link.

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