A video of the kings of wheat.
June 1, 2012
april wine, asher, ava, bad side of the moon, bar u ranch, barb, biking, black sabbath, bowling, broken bells, chris, dinna, eau claire, ella, elliot, fire, frisbee, gian-carlo, greg kihn, gymnastics, holding on for life, honour, horses, hula hoop, iBert, imogen, jeopardy, joe, joel, katie, kendall, kite, lindsay, matt, mckenzie, nellie breen, over and over, push bike, ramone, ramsay, ramsay school, roxboro, sammy, skating, spark, stampeded, stella, street hockey, strider, tanis, toboggan, Tragically Hip, trampoline, travel alberta, vance, vlad, wheat kings, zamboni, zane
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